Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Entry Number Two Hundred Fifty...
It’s September of 1499 and I’m finally home, over two years of being gone and I’m in the comfort of my city again. Along the way we encountered trading post along the east coast of Africa like Mombasa, Mozambique, Kenya, and so much more. Some of our encounters weren’t the most pleasant but either way I’ve lived through and experienced something amazing. Who knows maybe we’ve changed the future and maybe there is a voyage in the future.

Entry Number Two Hundred Ten...
Were traveling back to Lisbon, time is going much slower. It’s already been seven months since we left India. It’s taking much longer to get back home because of so many diseases. A hand full of men are dying day by day mostly because of the scurvies. The temperature has been in the high 60’s making it colder and worse conditions for us but tolerable, it could always be worse I suppose. Only a few storms have hit us and even then they weren’t large enough to affect our way back. I can only hope to make it back in order to see my family again.
Entry Number One Hundred Ninety...
It was around August 4, 1498 that Zamorin enforced that da Gama was to pay a heavy tax and leave all the Portuguese goods as deed. As expected, Vasco da Gama was enraged with this; he took five hostages and stole a letter from Zamorin stating that India would trade with the Portuguese if they could get a hold of scarlet cloth, coral, silver, and gold. He and the crew (along with me) departed Calicut, India.

Entry Number One Hundred Eighty...
Calicut, India one of our main destinations and we’ve finally reached it, May 20, 1498. We were not sure how the Hindu’s would perceive us, but it went rather well. They’ve accepted us but the feeling did not last long, their ruler has felt insulted for the gifts we have given them because of their insignificant value. Vasco da Gama’s plan to set up a trading post did not work, Zamorin, the Hindu King, did not want to isolate his local merchants.

Entry Number One Hundred Twelve...
It’s November 22, 1497 we’ve reached the tip of Africa also known as Cape of Good Hope and have begun to head north. Don’t think that we’ve been sailing the whole time, we’ve managed to stop at trading post including Mombasa, Mozambique, Malindi, Kenya, and Quilmana. Unfortunately some conflicts arouse along the way though, while sailing on the east coast of Africa (Mozambique and Malindi) the Muslims who have established trading centers along the coast where irritated and did not want interference with their trading centers. They attempted to seize the ships but as seen, they did not and we are now on a north route.

Entry Number Twenty...
We’ve been sailing it seems now for quite some time, we’ve yet to reach land but other then that it looks likes we have the upper hand in this expedition. The weather has treated us well in our journey, our food supply is still plenty, and we have a productive crew with us although most of them are convicts, they still work just as hard. Were still headed south in order to travel east on the coast of Africa. I’m not sure when were going to reach land but it has to be soon.

Entry Number One...
I’m beginning my journey along with the rest of the crew members under the instructions of explorer Vasco da Gama along with three other ships (Sao Gabriel, Sao Rafael, Berrio and the Starship.) Its July 8, 1497, were sailing from Lisbon Portugal and bearing east, our ships are stocked with precious stones, species, and pearls for trading and for the crew we have our essential food, clothing, and hygiene products. It’s a good day to be heading out; the sea is smooth as glass and outside it feels a comfortable temperature of 65 degrees. Our trip may seem impossible because it’s quoted as saying that the Indian Ocean (in which were traveling) does not connect to any other seas, but were staying close a reasonable distance to the African border and are determined to return home with new findings.